Welcome New Board Member L. Nichols!

L. heard about the Jolly Rovers the old-fashioned way – through a Google search for 'trail crews Hudson Valley'. He had volunteered for the NYNJTC before to adopt a trail in the Catskills, and later in Fahnestock State Park, but wanted to work with a group. L. hadn't done anything as technical as what the Rovers do, and was excited to learn the craft of stone work.

L. enjoys the work of the Rovers – especially setting steps - but the people on the crew are what keeps him coming back. In his words, “people are what has made the whole experience more meaningful than just the knowledge that we're installing structures that will last. Having people you can trust and rely on in both a personal and professional capacity is something that's really special.”

For L., it’s an interesting time to serve on a board like this. He would like to help the Rovers grow and thrive, and find ways to make the organization sustainable in the long run, as we grow and transition our leadership. He would also like to see the Rovers get recognized for their work and get fantastic projects, and he has been contributing his graphic design skills to help us do so. L. also serves on the Council for the Arts at MIT, where he studied engineering.

To see a sampling of L.'s artwork, visit lnicholsart.com.
